MADE WITH FRESH AIR AND SUNSHINE: Our hens are tended by hand on small family farms in the USA. PASTURE-RAISED: Each of our hens enjoys a minimum of 108 square feet roaming room in fresh pastures. PESTICIDE FREE: Healthy, natural pastures means we never use pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers. YEAR-ROUND OUTDOOR FORAGERS: Hens naturally forage, dining on nutrient-rich wild grasses and bugs. EAT KIND: Our eggs are Certified Humane, the gold standard for laying hens. Product Description Vital Farms alfresco pasture raised large grade a eggs are produced by happy, healthy hens that spend their time foraging outdoors and enjoying the fresh air. Fry, boil or poach these ethically made fresh eggs for breakfast, and use them as an ingredient in a wide variety of homemade baked goods. This recyclable box contains 12 large grade a eggs.